Clothing needs to be comfortable, washable and easily managed by the child. It gives the child a feeling of self-confidence and independence to be able to manage his/her clothing when needing to use the rest room. Belts, snaps, etc. are hard for a child to use. Children play hard and get dirty, so frilly or dressy clothes are inappropriate.

Each child is to have a change of clothing, labeled with his/her name left at school. Their shoes should be sturdy sneakers or rubber soled shoes. NO sanda\s, slippers or cowboy boots are to be worn at school. They can be dangerous when running, jumping and climbing.

ALL CLOTHING AND OTHER PROPERTY COMING TO SCHOOL MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH THE CHILD’S NAME. Items included, but are not limited to, all clothing, lunch boxes, thermos bottles, blankets, etc. We will make every effort to see that each child’s belongings are kept safe in the child’s cubby. Children should not bring toys from home except for Show and Tell or other special events.   Precious toys or other items are

difficult to share and they might get lost or broken. Clothing borrowed from the Preschool is to be laundered and returned in a timely manner.


An important objective of our school is to help our children develop self-discipline and inner-control over their actions. We want to be loving, accepting and supportive of all children in our care.

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IS PROHIBITED at all times and under all circumstances.

  1. We will praise good behavior and ignore unacceptable behavior unless it is dangerous to the child or another child. We believe children benefit most by having their positive behavior reinforced.
  2. The staff will redirect the child by offering alternatives to inappropriate behavior.
  3. The staff will be accepting of the child’s feelings and help him/her verbalize those feelings, encouraging him/her to use words rather than physical means for handling disputes.
  1. The staff will set reasonable limits and reinforce them with appropriate consequences.
  2. If the child’s behavior is dangerous to him/her or to other people, the child will be separated from the group and allowed to sit quietly until he/she feels ready to rejoin the activity.

Continual discipline problems will be reported to the Director, who will schedule a conference with the parents.


NO WEAPON TYPE TOYS OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED AT OUR PRESCHOOL. We discourage aggressive behavior. If we feel a toy is dangerous or in some way inappropriate, it will be kept in the preschool office for the parents to collect.


INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY: No telephone numbers nor addresses of our Preschool participants will be given out to others. If you wish to get in touch with another parent, we will gladly give your note to that parent and he/she can get in touch with you. This is for your privacy and protection.


PLEASE, NO CANDY, GUM OR MONEY AT SCHOOL. If your child brings treats or other snack foods to school, be sure he/she has enough to share with the other children in his/her class. This does not apply if your child is on a special diet of food that you supply or you elect to pack a lunch for your child. Please do not allow your other children to bring food, candy or snacks into the preschool.


SMOKING: For your child’s health, DREAMLAND PRESCHOOL is a smoke free facility. According to state licensing regulations, smoking is not permitted in the buildings or on the grounds.


We are required, under the California family Code, Section 34.01 to report any suspected cases of child abuse to the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services Office or a local or state law enforcement agency.